Sitting on the back of a hypalon raft, guide stick (a long paddle) dragging in the water behind me and my guests bantering on about their lives, my mind wanders off the the most faraway places. On occasion, I picture what the area looked like 1.5 billion years ago when the Belt Sea covered the land and the continent was somewhere around the equator. Sometimes I think about cold beer and rock climbing.
Most recently, I have been plagued with thoughts regarding where I believe I should be in life. Where is my prime location? Should I be back in the media, writing stories about local events and photographing the activities around me? Should I be chasing athletes up mountains then back down them? Should I just keep turning rafts filled with wide-eyed tourists asking me questions about bears that I truly can not answer?
Truth be told, I really can`t decide.
So I photograph. I keep photographing as much as I feel like it. Often times it isn`t enough and I know that. So I photograph some more.
Many of my evenings are spent drinking beer in a circle of people outside our company`s boat house, surrounded by trees and squirrels and bright blue hypalon rafts. It`s a pretty good life.
It`s been a while since I`ve posted a blog update. I tell myself that staying away from my computer and present with those around me is the best option for my sanity. That was the goal for my summer; step away from the hustle and bustle of regular life and enjoy the present. I have been doing okay with that. My mind wanders.
I really needed to do this.
So here are some photos of the people I have been hanging with and the activities I have been doing. Enjoy.
Kaya |
Ross Klein |
Tarek Penser |
Aaron Taylor |
Kristyn Eyerly |
Amber Henshaw |
Tyler Schmittel |
Vince Roubitchek |
Brandon is in the back |
Kevin Melling |
North Fork of the Flathead River |
Lauren |
Tom |